Transparency data
BEIS exceptions to spending controls: information communications technology, January to March 2017
Updated 14 December 2017
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Department | Organisation Name | HMG Ref Number | Project name | Basis for expenditure approval | Total Value Requested (£) | Total Value Approved (£) | Date of approval |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG3491 | Heat Networks Investment Project | Discovery / feasibility stage to define approach to HeatNetworks service | £115,965 | £108,665 | 27/01/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG3483 | National Measurement Office (NMO) Services | Alpha phase in developing a prototype for the National Measurement Office (NMO) service to enable manufacturers to apply for certification of products | £239,092 | £239,092 | 30/01/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG3484 | Primary Authority Register | Developing a register of primary local authority partnerships with business on regulatory issues to replace the existing service | £360,449 | £360,449 | 30/01/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG3527 | Digital-by-default Energy Saving Advice Service | Considering the feasibility of developing a digital solution to replace the current call centre based Energy Savings Advice Service (ESAS) | £59,877 | £59,877 | 02/02/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG3504 | BEIS office technology -Cirrus (previously known as BEIS Common Technology Programme) | Updating BEIS office technology. This includes sunk costs in 16/17 on pre-discovery, discovery, pilot and updating the Business Case post Machinery of Government changes | £23,530,000 | £23,530,000 | 05/02/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG2808b | Payment Practice Reporting service (previously known as Prompt Payments) | Beta phase in developing the PPRS to allow companies to report their payment metrics online | £93,637 | £93,637 | 22/02/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG2808a | Payment Practice Reporting service (PPRS) (previously known as Prompt Payments) | Alpha phase in developing the Payment Practice Reporting service (PPRS) to allow companies to report their payment metrics online | £228,000 | £228,000 | 27/02/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | HMG3573 | Small Business Commissioner Digital Service | Identifying user needs and assess options for the SBS web service | £417,048 | £155,724 | 06/03/2017 |
BEIS | BEIS | n/a | Cloud Based Analytical System (CBAS) contract revision | Extending the spend amount on the existing G Cloud call-off contract for Cloud Based Analytical System (CBAS), IT16174 (valid from 01/10/2016 to 30/09/2018), to accommodate impacts from Machinery of Government changes in July 2016 | £3,000,000 | £3,000,000 | 21/03/2017 |
BEIS | Innovate UK | HMG2259b | Enterprise Europe Network - Alpha extension and Beta | enabling businesses to form research partnerships with others internationally | £220,000 | £27,000 | 24/01/2017 |
BEIS | Innovate UK | HMG3559 | Finance Transformation (Transforming our Innovation Funding Services and Systems) | Defining a finance system to integrate with other I-UK systems | £1,513,080 | £1,513,080 | 20/02/2017 |
BEIS | Innovate UK | HMG2259c | Enterprise Europe Network - Beta | Enabling businesses to form research partnerships with others internationally | £205,000 | £205,000 | 13/03/2017 |
BEIS | Innovate UK | HMG1715c | Innovate UK: Innovation Funding Service (IFS) Public Beta | The Innovation Funding Service (IFS) will provide a digital service giving applicants a simplified and online experience for applying into a competition for innovation public funding. The service will also provide the functionality for Innovate UK to manage, process and award the grants won through these competitions | £2,594,447 | £2,594,447 | 20/03/2017 |
BEIS | Innovate UK | n/a | Public Cloud Hosting Services | Developing public cloud hosting architecture to enable move from legacy | £1,649,967 | £1,649,967 | 31/03/2017 |
BEIS | Insolvency Service | HMG3486 | Insolvency Service - Future Finance and Planning System | To replace the back office finance system with ERP finance functionality from the Government SaaS Digital Framework with an estimated running cost of £352,000 p.a | £1,914,664 | £1,914,664 | 16/01/2017 |
BEIS | Intellectual Property Office | HMG3537 | Online Deposit Accounts Discovery | To enable frequent customers to hold funds with the Intellectual Prpoerty Ofice to pay for filings | £35,200 | £35,200 | 02/02/2017 |
BEIS | HM Land Registry | HMG3461 | Rationalised Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System to Replace Oracle R11 (Finance and Procurement) and SAP (HR) | Extended support for existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems expires at the end of December 2016, the endorsement and approval of our ERP intent will inform our decision making on support for legacy systems. | £4,041,000 | £4,041,000 | 16/01/2017 |
BEIS | HM Land Registry | n/a | IBM mainframe hardware contract | Contract to renew hardware for IBM Mainframe. Migration of IBM mainframe objective of HM Land Registry's 5 year transformation strategy. | £2,360,000 | £2,360,000 | 20/02/2017 |
BEIS | HM Land Registry | HMG3553 | HM Land Registry IBM Mainframe Software Contract | Renewing software licence for 2 years from april 2017 | £10,670,000 | £10,670,000 | 27/02/2017 |
BEIS | Medical Research Council | n/a | Electronic Document and Record Management System (EDRMS) renewal | Renewing Electronic Document and Record Management Syste for 2017-18 and migrating to cloud | £203,200 | £203,200 | 29/03/2017 |
BEIS | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority | HMG3531 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Ecosystem | The ecosystem will be a 'Private Cloud' offering to enable the management and sharing OS-SNI. | £10,191,000 | £10,191,000 | 17/02/2017 |
BEIS | Natural Environment Research Council | n/a | ESRI Enterprise Licence Agreement (ELA) Renewal | NERC requires license and support continuity for its internal and externally available Geographic Information System applications and services, whilst maintaining their current state. | £300,000 | £300,000 | 11/01/2017 |
BEIS | Natural Environment Research Council | n/a | Changepoint Support Renewal | Changepoint is a system for Project Portfolio Management used by the NERC Research Centres to manage grant and other funded research projects. This is for a 3-year contract with Changepoint for support, upgrades and maintenance of the existing licences and associated software. | £358,500 | £358,000 | 11/01/2017 |
BEIS | Natural Environment Research Council | n/a | Data Lab | Develop technical frameworks to enable environmental scientists' access to JASMIN High Performance Computing facility | £326,000 | £326,000 | 16/02/2017 |
BEIS | Natural Environment Research Council | n/a | Data Lab | The aim of the NERC Data Labs initiative is to provide the necessary IT infrastructure to lower the barrier for entry of new users to HPC and cloud computing. Data Labs will be hosted on the private cloud infrastructure of JASMIN. | £326,000 | £326,000 | 16/02/2017 |
BEIS | Natural Environment Research Council | n/a | British Antarctic Survey SciHub High Performance Computing upgrade | Refresh and upgrade High Performance Computing cluster | £237,000 | £237,000 | 02/03/2017 |
BEIS | Natural Environment Research Council | n/a | Microsoft Enrollment for Educational Solutions agreement | 3 year renewal of agreement giving NERC access to MS educational discounts | £279,999 | £279,999 | 31/03/2017 |
BEIS | Science and Technology acilities Council | n/a | Hartree Centre Central Data Store Expansion | Increasing number of storage servers in CDC in line with High Performance Computing refresh separately approved as Hartree 3 | £1,666,666 | £1,666,666 | 15/03/2017 |